UK & RoW Sales

Rhopoint Components Ltd
Rhopoint House,
Imberhorne Lane,
East Grinstead,
RH19 1QZ, UK

Opening Times
Monday to Thursday: 08.30 to 17.00
Friday: 08.30 to 12.45

European Sales

Rhopoint Components GmbH
An der Kanzel 2
97253 Gaukönigshofen

Opening Times (German local time)
Monday to Thursday: 08.00 to 16.00
Friday: 08.00 to 12.00

Live chat

Example of a live chat window with a Rhopoint Components employee

Get help now through our Live chat service.

Our advisors are ready to help:
Monday to Thursday: 08.30 to 17.00
Friday: 08.30 to 12.45

If you’d like to contact us outside of these times, please email us on:

We’ll aim to respond within 24 hours.

Let’s get the conversation started

Thank you for your interest in Rhopoint Components Ltd., to ensure we can promptly address your enquiry, please complete the form with all the necessary details. This will help us to provide you with accurate and timely assistance.

For urgent enquiries, please contact us directly via phone at:
UK & RoW Sales: +44 (0) 1342 330 470
European Sales: +49 9337 9712-520

Please provide all details related to your enquiry here. For example, if you are looking for a customised product, please enter custom resistance values ​​/ capacitance values ​​here.